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Latex Slogan Bra

Latex Slogan Bra

Original price was: £104.00.Current price is: £42.00.

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SKU: LMB134 Category:


Made to order item – If you??re unsure of your size or you are bigger/smaller, leave your bust and underbust measurements (inches or centimetres) when ordering.

Made with 0.40 mm thick latex.


To avoid stains, tears and damages:


– Leave your latex in bright sunlight.

– Put light coloured or translucent latex in contact with metal (jewellery, hangers??).

– Handle your latex with sharp objects (careful with long nails).

– Use body lotion or oil on your body prior to wearing your latex.


– Shine your latex with a silicone spray or water based silicone lubricant.

– Use talcum powder or water based silicone lubricant inside

your latex garment before putting it on.

– Wash your latex in a warm soapy solution right after wearing it. Leave it to dry.

– Once dried, powder and store it in a dry place. Keep colours separated to avoid stains.

Lighter coloured and translucent latex stain easily. The stains are permanent brown spots, be careful not to be in contact with metal (especially copper) when wearing it.


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